Sam Hollander Writes the Songs That Make The Whole World Sing
Photo courtesy of Billboard
On this episdoe of Write About Now, hit songwriter Sam Hollander talks music and lyrics. Sam’s written over 20 Top 40 hit songs for artists such as One Direction, Katy Perry, Fitz and the Tantrums, Train, Carol King, and Weezer. His most recent record with Panic! At the Disco, debuted at number one on the Billboard 200.
Sam doesn't play an instrument or consider himself a musician, and yet he's responsible for writing some of the most recognizable songs on the radio. During our lively interview, Hollander breaks down how pop songs are created in 2018, and what his role is as the lyricist/top liner. He also shares his unusual childhood palling around with the likes of Andy Warhol and Nile Rogers.
Like his songs, Sam knows how to catch your attention with a nice juicy hook.