Espree Devora on How to Build a Dynamic Community (5) copy.jpg

Espree Devora is a serial entrepreneur and founder of the Women in Tech and WeAreLATech podcasts.

Many of her followers rely on her for great advice surrounding the present and future of tech and podcasting, but as we learn this week, we’ve still got a lot to discover about this dynamic community builder and creative woman.

Espree talks about her passion for writing including time studying poetry in Paris, and how she blocks off time in her busy schedule to make time to write. She also discussed how she got involved in tech and shares all-too-relatable emotions around not finishing her project.

Espree talks about networking in a way that doesn’t play off people’s pain, writing for the audience you want, and a few of her proudest moments unifying a global community of women in tech, helping them hack their way into play.

She also shares some wonderful and practical tools for finding your community and developing your personal brand.