Are Aliens Among Us? This Harvard Astrophysicist Thinks So.

I’m on vacation this week, but wanted to share a podcast I recorded last year that is very timely right now. It’s a conversation with Dr. Avi Loeb, an astrophysicist at Harvard University and author of the controversial book Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life beyond Earth.

Dr. Loeb’s book focused on a discovery on October 19, 2017, when researchers in Hawaii detected a mysterious object. They called this interstellar visitor Oumuamua, and they believed that the object came from another solar system.

Thousands of miles away in Cambridge, Dr. Loeb heard about this discovery and began his own research. Dr. Loeb is a serious scientist who has written extensively about black holes and gamma-ray bursts. Unlike some conspiracy theory quacks out there, he believes in empirical evidence.

The more he looked into the mysterious Oumuamua, the more he became convinced that an intelligent civilization created the object, not of this earth. He believes Oumuamua represents humanity’s first contact with an artifact of extraterrestrial intelligence.

Dr. Loeb made news again last week when the New York Times reported that he had led an expedition to retrieve fireball fragments off the western Pacific seafloor. On June 21, he claimed that he had recovered the pieces and of what he said was “most likely a technological gadget with artificial intelligence.”

This announcement comes after another extraordinary event occurred in the halls of Congress, where a former national intelligence official named David Grusch testified that a secret U.S. government agency possesses non-human ‘biologics.’

What is going on here? Have we all gone mad, or is there objective evidence that aliens are among us? In this conversation, you’ll hear why Avi Loeb thinks the possibility of aliens visiting our planet is very real.

Jonathan SmallComment