The Real Difference Between the Generations
In this episode, we're talkin' bout the generations. Guest Dr. Jean Twenge is the author of the endlessly fascinating new book Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents—and What They Mean for America's Future.
Twenge dives into government surveys, databases, and scientific studies to give a revelatory report on why generations change, what makes each generation unique, and how we can learn from each other. I understand my kids and my parents so much better now!
Some of the topics we cover:
How technology, not major historical events, plays a significant role in generational differences
The impact of the change from individualism to collectivism
Why baby names have changed over the years. Hello, Olivia, Goodbye Nancy.
The reason so many people have so much disdain for Boomers and Millennials
The sad truth about Gen Z and depression
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