How Conspiracy Theories Are Destroying Families

Jesselyn Cook courtest of BuzzFeed

Conspiracy theories such as QAnon have had devastating political consequences as they’ve exploded in popularity. But what’s often overlooked is their heartbreaking effect on families. In her new book The Quiet Damage, investigative journalist Jesselyn Cook tells the stories of five American families shredded by true believers whose journey down the rabbit hole caused them to be alienated, suicidal, and often completely different people. Jesselyn shares fascinating insights from her three-year deep dive into the world of conspiracy theories, revealing:

  • The surprising economic and educational diversity of QAnon believers

  • The psychological needs that conspiracy theories fulfill

  • Social media's role in spreading misinformation

  • Why fact-checking and ridicule are ineffective in combating beliefs

  • Effective strategies for reaching loved ones, including setting boundaries


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